II Timothy 2:1: “Therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is
in Christ Jesus”.
June Report, Kashmir 2022, JNJ
The 170 new widows families are settling
in and the sewing project is starting to
come together. Pray for strength and
courage for project leaders, ecclesia
teams, and widows’ teams to work
together to bring health and life to every
mother and child. The new families are
receiving food supplies, safety, and
fellowship in God’s Word.
It is time to bring in more widows
families and teach them of Jesus for
Kashmir is opening to our efforts. They
are determined to overcome evil with
good. Our overseer is planning to join
me there in October to review and
confirm, and share his report with you.
This is Jerri, My
beloved wife. Now
overcoming cancer
and excited to come
home to the US for
several months for a
refreshing break with
family and friends.
Prayers are needed.
Take courage and watch our hello to you. You may copy it and share with friends.